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A New Year Brings New Opportunities

With the year 2020 was, It’s hard to picture 2021 performing worse than its predecessor but it’s your job to make sure that it isn't. Leave the overdone new year’s resolutions at the door. We all know they don’t last past march anyway. While you’re at it, leave the sappy “new year, new me” posts behind too. 2021 is 365 days of experience, 8,760 hours to learn new skills, and 525,600 minutes to create new things. Don’t let them go to waste. In the bleak year that was 2020 so much bad happened, but the silver lining was still existent. In fact, this year was the launch of ADVNTR. Poor timing to begin a travel blog amidst a pandemic, yet we managed to visit several places and check numerous items off the bucket lists. Though the year was not kind to travelers, we still managed to continue following guidelines and explore. The opportunity is still available in the years to come. Make the most of this year no matter what it throws at you. So tell us, what's in the cards for your 2021?

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