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Expensive Video Equipment is Not a Necessity to Vlog.

My highschool broadcasting teacher would always say "As long as you know how to work a camera well, you don't need the latest and greatest model". I didn't realize it at the time but she was right. The skillset behind the equipment is what matters. Videos are made and photographs aren't taken without us behind the helm. Because of my love of travel and videography, I knew travel vlogging was always in the cards for me, but looking at other content creators' work you realize that while inspiring to watch, it's also intimidating comparing your work to theirs. DON'T LET IT. Comparing your work to others will only hinder you from creating your own. Travel YouTubers didn't just go out and buy a top-tier camera and begin traveling. They started small. As their brand and viewership grew so did their talent and income.

When ADVNTR first got off the ground, all we had were our two iPhones. Now our arsenal of equipment has grown and allows us to capture more and achieve more unique ways of doing so. GoPros, Drones, and lights have changed our videos for the better and we don't plan on slowing down.

The best camera is the one you have. Cell phones have become a necessity in today's life. Fortunately enough they also double as a very high-quality camera. Take advantage of it. Use that extra money you would have spent on an expensive camera on a trip instead. Traveling isn't cheap, cutting unnecessary costs will allow you to travel farther physically and financially.

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