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Traveling in a Corona Virus World

The spread of the Corona Virus has changed all daily aspects of life. The aspect. of traveling has becoming virtually non-existent. "Do your part stay at home" is a favorite saying of people across the world. Because the virus is an airborne communicable disease, maintaining social distance lessens your chance of contracting it. Doing so is near impossible when traveling. Packed City streets, stuffed airplane cabins, shoulder to shoulder tourist sights are all part of the traveling experience. Knowing this, less travel should equal less viral spread.

That equation does reign true for a majority of the world, the minority being the good US of A. After spending nearly 2 months in quarantine, we as an American society decided we were fed up with it. No more isolation, no more masks, no more precautions. We've simply decided the pandemic is over. Because of this, travel has begun again with the tourist discretion.

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