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Birthday in Chicago

Within the year 2020, many of the days seem to run together. No extracurriculars or sociability makes for a boring year. That was until yesterday when Nick surprised me with a quick trip to one of my favorite American cities, Chicago IL. Still in the midst of the Corona Virus pandemic, we knew full well this wouldn't be too eventful but any event is welcoming in these times.

We in the evening July 27th and checked into the Corner Suite of the Kenzie Hotel to overlook the original Harry Carries Resturaunt where we woukd later carry out our birthday dinner.

As we finished. unpacking, we went out on the town.The first stop was millinium Park. Being one of the biggest tourist spots in the city, the park was virtually empty. The Bean was gated off and many of the bridges and ramps withen the park. were blocked and staffed with more security than usual. Inside the park gates masks were mandatory, outside the park was a different story. Estimating only 50 percent of pedestrians we came across were wearing masks, the bars and restaurunts were up and running as normal. Not runningas normal were the Musuems. The art institute of Chicago was on our list to visit but upon arriving we were greeted with a locked door. I guess we'll have to see the infamous "Nighthawks" painting next time we visit.

The next morning we got an early start hoping to snag a quick continental breakfast before setting out into the windy city. Apparetntly one of the many casualties caused by Covid-19 was the continents breakfast. In place was a bagged breakfast full of treats to keep us over until lunch. Traveling during the pandemic was interesting for small changes like this, venturing outside your normal territory you notice covid alterations that one wouldnt have noticed before. For example, the many fountains that reside in Chicago were all shut off and bone dry.

What is a trip to a metropolitin city if you don't get the chance for a scenic view? Stopping by the rooftop bar of London House, we took a break to unwind while overlooking the Chicago River.

After resting up, it was time to enjoy that Harry Caray birthday dinner with a beautiful steak meal from the comfort of our hotel room.

If the first day of age 26 was this memorable, I can't wait to experience what the rest of this year entails.

Till next time Chicago, we'll definitly be back. Until then, we're off to our next ADVNTR.

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