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Will a Covid Passport ID soon be required to Travel?

As the vaccination process is slowly underway, society is normalizing travel again. To help make this transition easier on fellow travelers, the concept of Vaccination IDs has begun to circle airlines. The perspective name of this identification system is “Vaccination Passport”, much like a physical passport a traveler must present it at the time of entering planes and country borders. To ease the burden on yet another thing to bring with you, the hope is to have these “Passports” in digital form to be easily carried and assessable on your phone.

As more people are inoculated, there will likely be aspects of public life in which only people who have been vaccinated are allowed to participate.” - Tariro Mzezewa, New York Times

If this digital file will allow for easier travel opportunities, it may be a must for a return to normalcy.

What do you think about the implementation of these Vaccination Passports? Do you think it's necessary? Let us know in the comments below!

Photo by Lloyd Miller

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